St. Thomas (Tex.) vs. Schreiner
@ Austin, TX (Concordia Fieldhouse)
11/8/2024 at 4:35 pm
@ Austin, TX (Concordia Fieldhouse)
11/8/2024 at 4:35 pm
St. Thomas (Tex.)
3 |
0 |
Final | 1 | 2 | 3 | Score |
Schreiner (12-12,4-8 SCAC) | 18 | 23 | 20 | 0 |
St. Thomas (Tex.) (13-15,6-7 SCAC) | 25 | 25 | 25 | 3 |
Set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd | ||
UST-TX | -- 1st -- | Schr |
F-1355 starters: Lauren, Monaco; Gaby, Torres; Abby, Meaux; Ryleigh, Jones; Giana, Hilliard; Jordyn, Braxton. | ||
F-2810 starters: Ariana, Willis; Tasmine, Maxwell; Alexis, Bodunrin; Laynee, Beam; Audrey, Cataline; Kendall, Howard. | ||
1-0 | [Howard, Kendall] Attack error by Braxton, Jordyn (from Torres, Gaby). Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 1-1 | |
2-1 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 2-2 | |
Schr subs: Gallaspy, Harlie; Braxton, Taylor. | ||
3-2 | [Gallaspy, Harlie] Kill by Beam, Laynee (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
4-2 | [Beam, Laynee] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Cataline, Audrey). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Bad set by Beam, Laynee. Point Schr | 4-3 | |
Schr subs: Strban, Mackenzie. | ||
5-3 | [Hilliard, Giana] Kill by Maxwell, Tasmine (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
UST-TX subs: Medina, Mia; Presley, Madison. | ||
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 5-4 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Maxwell, Tasmine (from Medina, Mia). Point Schr | 5-5 | |
6-5 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Service error. Point Schr | 6-6 | |
7-6 | [Torres, Gaby] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 7-7 | |
[Meaux, Abby] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 7-8 | |
8-8 | [Meaux, Abby] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 8-9 | |
[Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Torres, Gaby (from Meaux, Abby). Point Schr | 8-10 | |
9-10 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
10-10 | [Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis. Point UST-TX | |
11-10 | [Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall), block error by Jones, Ryleigh. Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Braxton, Jordyn (from Meaux, Abby). Point Schr | 11-11 | |
12-11 | [Gallaspy, Harlie] Attack error by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Service error. Point Schr | 12-12 | |
[Hilliard, Giana] Attack error by Maxwell, Tasmine (from Howard, Kendall). Point Schr | 12-13 | |
13-13 | [Hilliard, Giana] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis. Point UST-TX | |
14-13 | [Medina, Mia] Attack error by Strban, Mackenzie (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
15-13 | [Medina, Mia] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 15-14 | |
16-14 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Hilliard, Giana (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
17-14 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Service ace (Hilliard, Giana). Point UST-TX | |
18-14 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Service ace (Strban, Mackenzie). Point UST-TX | |
19-14 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Kill by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
20-14 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Service error. Point Schr | 20-15 | |
[Torres, Gaby] Attack error by Cataline, Audrey (block by Monaco, Lauren; Braxton, Jordyn). Point Schr | 20-16 | |
[Torres, Gaby] Attack error by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia). Point Schr | 20-17 | |
21-17 | [Torres, Gaby] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
22-17 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Beam, Laynee. Point UST-TX | |
23-17 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Beam, Laynee (from Medina, Mia), block error by Monaco, Lauren. Point UST-TX | |
24-17 | [Spice, Kara] Attack error by Braxton, Jordyn (block by Beam, Laynee). Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 24-18 | |
25-18 | [Meaux, Abby] Attack error by Torres, Gaby (from Palomarez, Jenna). Point UST-TX | |
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UST-TX | -- 2nd -- | Schr |
Schr subs: Gallaspy, Harlie. | ||
F-1355 starters: Lauren, Monaco; Gaby, Torres; Abby, Meaux; Ryleigh, Jones; Giana, Hilliard; Jordyn, Braxton; Jenna, Palomarez; Harlie, Gallaspy; Taylor, Braxton; Mackenzie, Strban. | ||
F-2810 starters: Ariana, Willis; Tasmine, Maxwell; Alexis, Bodunrin; Laynee, Beam; Audrey, Cataline; Kendall, Howard; Kara, Spice; Mia, Medina; Madison, Presley. | ||
Schr subs: Meaux, Abby; Braxton, Taylor. | ||
UST-TX subs: Presley, Madison; Medina, Mia. | ||
[Torres, Gaby] Attack error by Willis, Ariana (from Howard, Kendall). Point Schr | 0-1 | |
1-1 | [Torres, Gaby] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Braxton, Jordyn (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 1-2 | |
Schr subs: Meaux, Abby. | ||
2-2 | [Meaux, Abby] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Kill by Braxton, Jordyn (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 2-3 | |
3-3 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
UST-TX subs: Medina, Mia; Presley, Madison. | ||
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Torres, Gaby. Point Schr | 3-4 | |
Schr subs: Gallaspy, Harlie; Braxton, Taylor. | ||
[Gallaspy, Harlie] Bad set by Cataline, Audrey. Point Schr | 3-5 | |
4-5 | [Gallaspy, Harlie] Attack error by Jones, Ryleigh (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
5-5 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Attack error by Hilliard, Giana (block by Presley, Madison; Maxwell, Tasmine). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Kill by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 5-6 | |
6-6 | [Hilliard, Giana] Kill by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Kill by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 6-7 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 6-8 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Strban, Mackenzie (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 6-9 | |
7-9 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Bad set by Jones, Ryleigh. Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Strban, Mackenzie (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 7-10 | |
8-10 | [Torres, Gaby] Bad set by Braxton, Jordyn. Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Service error. Point Schr | 8-11 | |
[Meaux, Abby] Kill by Hilliard, Giana. Point Schr | 8-12 | |
[Meaux, Abby] Attack error by Willis, Ariana (block by Monaco, Lauren). Point Schr | 8-13 | |
[Meaux, Abby] Service ace (Spice, Kara). Point Schr | 8-14 | |
[Meaux, Abby] Attack error by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point Schr | 8-15 | |
9-15 | [Meaux, Abby] Attack error by Monaco, Lauren (block by Beam, Laynee). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Service error. Point Schr | 9-16 | |
[Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Braxton, Jordyn (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 9-17 | |
10-17 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby), block error by Maxwell, Tasmine. Point Schr | 10-18 | |
11-18 | [Gallaspy, Harlie] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
12-18 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
13-18 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Attack error by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Attack error by Cataline, Audrey (from Spice, Kara). Point Schr | 13-19 | |
14-19 | [Hilliard, Giana] Kill by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
15-19 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Cataline, Audrey. Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Attack error by Cataline, Audrey (from Maxwell, Tasmine). Point Schr | 15-20 | |
16-20 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Braxton, Taylor (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 16-21 | |
17-21 | [Torres, Gaby] Kill by Beam, Laynee (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
18-21 | [Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Spice, Kara). Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Strban, Mackenzie (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 18-22 | |
19-22 | [Meaux, Abby] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Spice, Kara). Point UST-TX | |
20-22 | [Beam, Laynee] Bad set by Torres, Gaby. Point UST-TX | |
21-22 | [Beam, Laynee] Service ace (Palomarez, Jenna). Point UST-TX | |
22-22 | [Beam, Laynee] Service ace (Team). Point UST-TX | |
23-22 | [Beam, Laynee] Service ace (Team). Point UST-TX | |
24-22 | [Beam, Laynee] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Attack error by Willis, Ariana (block by Monaco, Lauren; Hilliard, Giana). Point Schr | 24-23 | |
25-23 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
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UST-TX | -- 3rd -- | Schr |
Schr subs: Gallaspy, Harlie; Strban, Mackenzie; Meaux, Abby; Braxton, Taylor. | ||
UST-TX subs: Presley, Madison; Medina, Mia. | ||
F-1355 starters: Lauren, Monaco; Gaby, Torres; Ryleigh, Jones; Giana, Hilliard; Jordyn, Braxton; Jenna, Palomarez; Mackenzie, Strban; Abby, Meaux; Harlie, Gallaspy; Taylor, Braxton. | ||
F-2810 starters: Ariana, Willis; Tasmine, Maxwell; Alexis, Bodunrin; Laynee, Beam; Audrey, Cataline; Kendall, Howard; Kara, Spice; Mia, Medina; Madison, Presley. | ||
Schr subs: Holguin, Isabel. | ||
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 0-1 | |
1-1 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
2-1 | [Cataline, Audrey] Attack error by Braxton, Jordyn (block by Bodunrin, Alexis). Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Service error. Point Schr | 2-2 | |
Schr subs: Gallaspy, Harlie; Braxton, Taylor. | ||
[Gallaspy, Harlie] Attack error by Beam, Laynee (from Howard, Kendall). Point Schr | 2-3 | |
3-3 | [Gallaspy, Harlie] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Spice, Kara). Point UST-TX | |
4-3 | [Beam, Laynee] Attack error by Holguin, Isabel (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point UST-TX | |
5-3 | [Beam, Laynee] Attack error by Braxton, Taylor (block by Maxwell, Tasmine). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Attack error by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Cataline, Audrey). Point Schr | 5-4 | |
Schr subs: Strban, Mackenzie. | ||
6-4 | [Hilliard, Giana] Bad set by Gallaspy, Harlie. Point UST-TX | |
UST-TX subs: Medina, Mia; Presley, Madison. | ||
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Jones, Ryleigh (from Gallaspy, Harlie). Point Schr | 6-5 | |
Schr subs: Monterosa, Xera. | ||
[Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Presley, Madison (block by Braxton, Taylor). Point Schr | 6-6 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Maxwell, Tasmine (from Medina, Mia). Point Schr | 6-7 | |
7-7 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia), block error by Monaco, Lauren. Point UST-TX | |
8-7 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Attack error by Monaco, Lauren (from Monterosa, Xera). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Service error. Point Schr | 8-8 | |
9-8 | [Torres, Gaby] Kill by Maxwell, Tasmine (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Kill by Monaco, Lauren. Point Schr | 9-9 | |
[Holguin, Isabel] Bad set by Maxwell, Tasmine. Point Schr | 9-10 | |
10-10 | [Holguin, Isabel] Kill by Beam, Laynee (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Hilliard, Giana (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 10-11 | |
11-11 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Cataline, Audrey] Kill by Jones, Ryleigh (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 11-12 | |
12-12 | [Monterosa, Xera] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Beam, Laynee] Kill by Jones, Ryleigh (from Monterosa, Xera). Point Schr | 12-13 | |
13-13 | [Hilliard, Giana] Service error. Point UST-TX | |
14-13 | [Medina, Mia] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Spice, Kara). Point UST-TX | |
[Medina, Mia] Kill by Strban, Mackenzie (from Monterosa, Xera). Point Schr | 14-14 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Monterosa, Xera. Point Schr | 14-15 | |
[Jones, Ryleigh] Attack error by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia). Point Schr | 14-16 | |
15-16 | [Jones, Ryleigh] Kill by Bodunrin, Alexis (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
16-16 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Kill by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia), block error by Strban, Mackenzie. Point UST-TX | |
17-16 | [Bodunrin, Alexis] Attack error by Strban, Mackenzie (from Monterosa, Xera). Point UST-TX | |
[Bodunrin, Alexis] Service error. Point Schr | 17-17 | |
[Torres, Gaby] Attack error by Presley, Madison (from Medina, Mia). Point Schr | 17-18 | |
18-18 | [Torres, Gaby] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
19-18 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
20-18 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Beam, Laynee (from Medina, Mia). Point UST-TX | |
21-18 | [Spice, Kara] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Bodunrin, Alexis). Point UST-TX | |
[Spice, Kara] Kill by Monaco, Lauren (from Torres, Gaby). Point Schr | 21-19 | |
22-19 | [Strban, Mackenzie] Attack error by Braxton, Jordyn (from Torres, Gaby). Point UST-TX | |
23-19 | [Howard, Kendall] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Spice, Kara). Point UST-TX | |
24-19 | [Howard, Kendall] Kill by Cataline, Audrey (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
[Howard, Kendall] Kill by Braxton, Jordyn. Point Schr | 24-20 | |
25-20 | [Palomarez, Jenna] Kill by Willis, Ariana (from Howard, Kendall). Point UST-TX | |
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