From the Main Entrance onto Campus from Memorial Blvd.

Event Center (which includes Stephens Family Arena - basketball and volleyball)

  • Inside the campus, turn right at the stop sign. The street curves to the left.
  • At the second stop sign, when you see the tennis courts, continue straight. After the tennis courts, the Mountaineer Fitness side will be the first building on the left, the Event Center is the next building on the left.  

Mountaineer Soccer Field

  • Inside the campus, turn right at the stop sign. The street curves to the left.
  • At the second stop sign, when you see the tennis courts, turn left.  

Baseball and Softball Fields

  • Inside the campus, turn right at the stop sign. The street curves to the left.
  • At the second stop sign, when you see the tennis courts, continue straight. 
  • Continue straight past the Event Center. The road will lead straight to the fields.

Tennis Courts

  • Inside the campus, turn right at the stop sign. The street curves to the left.
  • You will see the tennis courts straight ahead along with the tennis parking lot.

Edington Gymnasium (Practice facility)

  • Inside the campus, turn right at the stop sign. The street curves to the left.
  • At the second stop sign, when you see the tennis courts, turn left, there will be a swimming pool on your right. Just after the pool, Edington Gymnasium is located on the right hand side with parking in front.

Officials: Our official’s locker room is located on the first floor of the Events Center. If you enter through the main doors, go left, past the vending machines, the locker rooms will be on your left. The Athletic Training room is located a little further down on your left from these locker rooms.


Please contact with any questions or concerns you may have.