Kameryn Roehrig #30 GK Schreiner

gp 14
gs 13
min 1214:38
ga 38
gaa 2.82
sv 89
Recent Games
Oct 10 at Texas Lutheran L, 4-0
Oct 15 Dallas L, 2-1
Oct 17 Austin W, 1-0
Oct 24 at Trinity (Tex.) L, 3-0
Oct 27 at Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Oct 31 at Colorado Col. L, 6-0
Statistics category Overall Conf
Games played 14 5
Games started 13 4
Minutes 1214:38 429:38
Goals against 38 16
Goals-against average 2.82 3.35
Saves 89 34
Save pct .701 .680
Wins 2 1
Losses 10 3
Ties 1 0
Shutouts 1/0 1/0
Date Opponent Score Dec gs min ga gaa sv sv%
Aug 18 # at Houston Baptist L, 5-0 - - - - - - -
Aug 25 # Coastal Bend College   - - - - - - -
Sep 1 Our Lady of the Lake University L, 4-0 L 1 90:00 4 4.00 8 .667
Sep 3 Huston-Tillotson L, 3-1 - - - - - - -
Sep 5 Sul Ross St. L, 1-0 L 1 90:00 1 1.00 7 .875
Sep 8 # at Texas Lutheran   - - - - - - -
Sep 10 McMurry L, 1-0 L 1 90:00 1 1.00 7 .875
Sep 11 Howard Payne T, 1-1 T 1 110:00 1 0.82 5 .833
Sep 15 at Concordia (Tex.) L, 5-2 L 1 90:00 5 5.00 7 .583
Sep 17 vs. Texas-Dallas L, 4-2 L 1 90:00 4 4.00 6 .600
Sep 18 vs. Belhaven L, 2-1 L 1 45:00 1 2.00 3 .750
Sep 24 Arlington Baptist W, 3-2 W 1 90:00 2 2.00 5 .714
Sep 26 Colorado Col. L, 3-0 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 7 .700
Oct 1 St. Thomas (Tex.) L, 4-0 L 1 90:00 4 4.00 12 .750
Oct 3 Centenary (La.) W, 3-0 - - - - - - -
Oct 8 at Southwestern (Tex.) L, 2-0 - - - - - - -
Oct 10 at Texas Lutheran L, 4-0 L 1 90:00 4 4.00 4 .500
Oct 15 Dallas L, 2-1 - - - - - - -
Oct 17 Austin W, 1-0 W 1 90:00 0 0.00 4 1.000
Oct 24 at Trinity (Tex.) L, 3-0 L 1 90:00 3 3.00 7 .700
Oct 27 at Texas A&M University - San Antonio   - - - - - - -
Oct 31 at Colorado Col. L, 6-0 - 0 69:38 5 6.46 7 .583
# Stats don't count towards season totals
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
2021-22 14 13 86:46 2.71 2.82 6.36 .701
2022-23 14 13 82:00 2.36 2.59 5.36 .694
2023-24 - - 0:00 - - - -
2024-25 - - 0:00 - - - -
Total 28 26 69:30 2.09 2.70 4.82 .698
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
2021-22 14 13 1214:38 38 2.82 89 .701 2 10 1 1/0
2022-23 14 13 1148:05 33 2.59 75 .694 4 8 1 0/0
2023-24 - - 0:00 - - - - 0 0 0 0/0
2024-25 - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Total 28 26 2362:43 71 2.70 164 .698 6 18 2 1/0
  gp gs min/g ga/g gaa sv/g sv%
Total 14 13 86:46 2.71 2.82 6.36 .701
Conference 5 4 85:56 3.20 3.35 6.80 .680
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - -
Home 8 8 92:30 2.00 1.95 6.88 .775
Away 4 3 84:54 4.25 4.50 6.25 .595
Neutral 2 2 67:30 2.50 3.33 4.50 .643
Wins 2 2 90:00 1.00 1.00 4.50 .818
Losses 11 10 84:03 3.18 3.41 6.82 .682
September 9 9 87:13 2.44 2.52 6.11 .714
October 5 4 85:56 3.20 3.35 6.80 .680
  gp gs min ga gaa sv sv% wins losses ties shutouts
Total 14 13 1214:38 38 2.82 89 .701 2 10 1 1/0
Conference 5 4 429:38 16 3.35 34 .680 1 3 0 1/0
Exhibition - - 0:00 - - - - - - - 0/0
Home 8 8 740:00 16 1.95 55 .775 2 5 1 1/0
Away 4 3 339:38 17 4.50 25 .595 0 3 0 0/0
Neutral 2 2 135:00 5 3.33 9 .643 0 2 0 0/0
Wins 2 2 180:00 2 1.00 9 .818 2 0 0 1/0
Losses 11 10 924:38 35 3.41 75 .682 0 10 0 0/0
September 9 9 785:00 22 2.52 55 .714 1 7 1 0/0
October 5 4 429:38 16 3.35 34 .680 1 3 0 1/0