Posted: Oct 16, 2023
KERRVILLE, TX: The Schreiner University Equestrian Western team competed in their first show of the season this past weekend at NCTC in Gainesville, Texas.
"Considering this was their first show of the season and the fact they are competing on horses they have never ridden, they did quite well. Each of our riders who competed this past weekend have grown as both horsemen and showmen. I'm excited to see how the season progresses." - Ashley Brune, Schreiner Equestrian Head Coach
- Jessica Pado placed 4th in Ranch Riding and 3rd in Level 2 Horsemanship
- Gwen Rangel placed 3rd in Beginner Horsemanship
- Sophia Sachtleban placed 6th in Rookie B Horsemanship and now sits just a few points shy from qualifying for regionals
- Jessica Pado placed 6th in Level 2 Horsemanship
- Sophia Sachtleban placed 4th in Rookie B Horsemanship