KERRVILLE, TEXAS: During half-time of the Women's Basketball game on Monday, the Athletic Department recognized the first ever group of Athletics Faculty Mentors. This program is designed to increase connections between faculty and student-athletes through communication, mentoring, familiarity and shared experiences.
The student-athletes on each team decide on and invite a faculty member to serve as their Faculty Mentor. The Faculty Mentor is asked to visit at least two practices during the season and is invited to attend and sit on the bench for all home contests. The faculty mentor can be involved as much as their schedule allows including traveling with the team to an away contest or participating in team activities. The key to the success of the program is that it is a student-athlete driven program that benefits Schreiner University as a whole.
Dr. Ryan Caesar Assistant Professor of Biology, Women's Soccer
Dr. Maureen Russo, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Men's Soccer
Dr. Barry Shaw, Professor of Exercise Science, Women's Volleyball
Dr. Kristen McAlexander, Assistant Professor of Exercise Science, Men's Basketball
Dr. Adrian Zapata, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Women's Basketball
Dr. Michael Cude, Assistant Professor of History, Men's & Women's Cross Country
Dr. Brian Bernard, Professor of Engineering, Faculty Athletics Representative