KERRVILLE, TX: On Wednesday, October 14th, the Mountaineer Rifle team defeated the State University of New York (SUNY) Plattsburgh Rifle Team in their first season match within the Mid-Atlantic Conference (MAC).
The Mountaineers total combined score of 2,263 points to the Cardinals, 1,983 points. Leading the way as counters for the Rifle Team was Freshman, Samantha Albiniano with 573 out of 600 points total; followed by Sophomore and Team Captain, Damien Smith with 565 points, then Freshmen, Cody Burks with 563 points and William Baker with 562 points. The Rifle Team has worked very hard to prepare for this season and they feel very blessed that they are able to have practices and compete for our University, especially during this particular time frame. The Rifle Match was conducted within the Mid-Atlantic Conference (MAC) as a "postal" match, where each school shoots independently and then they compare scores to see who the winner is. The Rifle Match counts within the Conference, leading to the MAC Championship in March, 2021.
To see the results from the match Click Here